18 Jul Our New Natural Sidamo Werka
Processed, milled and exported by the family-run Testi Coffee, our Werka Uchuro lot from Ethiopia is an absolutely stellar natural coffee. Established in 2009, Testi now owns and/or operates four washing stations in Guji, Yirgacheffe, Sidamo and in Limu. This lot was processed using the natural method at Gora Kone washing station in Sidamo.
Testi work with smallholder farmers with the aim of securing the very best prices for their coffee so that they can pay fair prices for the cherry delivered. Their objective is quality and aim to build long-term business relationships. Their washing stations are impeccably run and they do diligent work sorting and screening to get amazing coffee such as this Werka lot for export.
In the natural process the coffee is dried while still in its cherry. With the fruit acting as a natural casing fermentation happens in a closed environment resulting in an extremely sweet and fruity coffee.
We can’t get enough of the strawberry, stewed stone fruit, chocolate and rum-like notes we get in the cup. Now available online at direct from our roastery.