January 2020

There’s something very special about finally visiting a farm whose coffee you have roasted and got to know and love so well in a previous year. This was the case today when we visited Kiandu in Nyeri County - a coffee we bought in 2018. This...

You know you’re in Africa when a man comes round to your table during dinner with a tick list of animals that they’ll come and wake you up for should they appear at the watering hole outside your bedroom window during the night. I’ve put...

The weather has been a bit all over the place this trip – it’s usually unheard of to have rain at this time of year in Kenya but we’ve had on and off showers since we arrived on Saturday. Of course the Kenyans think that...

Nairobi. A lovely guide named Joe picked us up at dawn in a Toyota van with a roof that opened up and Leah, Amy and I drove north out of the city to the Nairobi National Park. Founded in 1946, this 175 square km park is...