costa rica Tag

We have been working with our friends at Wasted Degrees on the perfect brew. Not just the everyday filter brew we put to liven up our mornings but something altogether more intense and potent. This concoction is an 800 litre mix of heavily roasted barley,...

We walk through the tall palms with torches, scanning the undergrowth for frogs, spiders and snakes. Our 12 year old son Tom is in his element, eagerly pushing ahead in the hope of spotting the ever-elusive red-eyed tree frog. I’m terrified that he is more...

We recently attended an inspiring talk by the Scottish snowboarder Lesley McKenna. Lesley competed in the Winter Olympic Games in 2002, 2006 and 2010 and is now the Team Manager for the GB Park and Pipe Team. She described what makes her tick at work...

Back in February we had a fantastic few days showing off our beautiful part of Scottish Highlands to Diego Robelo of Aquiares Estate. Hills were summited, kilts were donned and far too much whisky was drunk round the fire. We also cupped some spectacular samples from...