trees for life Tag

It has been another busy but happy year for us here at Glen Lyon Coffee and we have continued to strive to be a great business rather than a big one. Here are 12 highlights of how we have been doing our best to put people...

We’re really proud to launch a new coffee blend today with both great flavour and purpose. Called ‘True North’ this is our positive impact coffee, raising £1 in each retail bag for Trees for Life’s work to re-wild the Scottish Highlands. Trees for Life will...

As the pressure from civil society to tackle the global threat of climate change gathers pace individuals, businesses and governments are finally starting to take real action. Last week the prime minister took the step of committing to the UK reaching net zero carbon emissions...

We walk through the tall palms with torches, scanning the undergrowth for frogs, spiders and snakes. Our 12 year old son Tom is in his element, eagerly pushing ahead in the hope of spotting the ever-elusive red-eyed tree frog. I’m terrified that he is more...