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The mystical island of Rum has captured the imagination of visitors for many years. Hung out on the horizon with a jagged crown of mountain peaks, it is known in Gaelic as the ‘Isle of the Ridge’ and boasts Scotland's oldest known stone age settlement....

Last month we looked back on 2022 and some of the sustainability goals we achieved over the preceding twelve months. Now, as a new year begins and the days start to lengthen, it feels like the perfect time to consider some of the things we’re...

It has been another busy but happy year for us here at Glen Lyon Coffee and we have continued to strive to be a great business rather than a big one. Here are 12 highlights of how we have been doing our best to put people...

Walfre Baltizar points out the ruins of an abandoned coffee plantation and wet mill in his village of Panabaj near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala and gravely tells us how his community is at a crossroads. After more than 100 years of growing coffee as an...