Peru Elvis Tineo

From: £9.25

Elvis is in the building! A very special Peruvian lot from this talented second generation coffee producer with notes of orange blossom, red plum and cacao.


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Producer: Elvis Tineo Rafael
Varietal: bourbon, caturra and catuai
Altitude: 1600-1900m
Process: Fully Washed
Region: El Diamante, Jaen, Cajamarca

Elvis Reinerio Tineo Rafael is a second-generation coffee producer who owns land in the El Diamante area of Jaen. Elvis himself owns 3 hectares, planted with bourbon, caturra and catuai, that sits at an altitude of 1600 to 1900 metres above sea level. Elvis and his family work the land together, coordinating their picking, processing, and drying and sharing their facilities. Over the last few years Elvis has been investing in improving the quality of his coffee, improving the quality of picking and experimenting with pre-fermentations and different fermentation methods. He participated in the Cup of Excellence competition two years in a row, in 2018 he finished 7th place and in 2019 in the top 30.

El Diamante

El Diamante is one of the closest coffee producing areas to the city of Jaen and therefore has a huge cooperative presence, at least in the lower elevations. Our import partner Falcon work with a couple of coffee producing families in El Diamante, who have farms from 1600 to 2000 metres above sea level. The main varieties grown in the medium altitudes is catuai and castillo, and at higher altitudes it is all bourbon, caturra and typica. El Diamante is one of the few areas in Jaen to have protected forests, which are home to a variety of flora and fauna native to the region. Not only that, there are also many water sources that supply much of the water to the city. This thriving natural environment creates a beautiful setting to grow coffee, but also contributes to the richness and stability of the soils in the area. The cup profile of the coffees in this area is very distinct, with a heavily fruited cup and a pronounced acidity.

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